editorial,commentary,electronic mail,communication J. N. Bairstow "Learning To Live With Electronic Mail" Bus.Comp85/01 Jan v.3 n.1 7Discussion of the pros and cons of electronic mail. Western Union,EasyLink,electronic mail,IBM PC,marketing,strategy NEWS & ANALYSIS - "Western Union links customers with IBM PCs" Bus.Comp85/01 Jan v.3 n.1 15Discussion of Western Union's two-part marketing strategy: 1) an arrangement with IBM to buy IBM PCs and resell them direct to newcustomers, 2)An update of EasyLink (for electronic mail). compact disk,CD,optical,storage,hard disk,memory,database,DBM NEWS & ANALYSIS - "Optical disks for big data bases" Bus.Comp85/01 Jan v.3 n.1 15Overview of compact disks for used as computer-driven, optical- disk, mass-storage systems. directory,consultant,ICCA,CompuServe NEWS & ANALYSIS - "How to find a computer consultant" Bus.Comp85/01 Jan v.3 n.1 18National directory of computer consultants (ICCA) now available on CompuServe. NTIS,federal data file,transcribe,tape,floppy disk NEWS & ANALYSIS - "Federal data on floppy disks" Bus.Comp85/01 Jan v.3 n.1 18National Technical Information Service (NTIS) to provide IBM PC owners with cut-rate federal data files transcribed from tape to 5.25 inch floppy disks. SEC Online,DBM,finance,annual report,stockholder,on-line NEWS & ANALYSIS - "SEC reports go electronic" Bus.Comp85/01 Jan v.3 n.1 18Securities and Exchange Commission financial information now available through SEC Online, Inc. (e.g., annual stockholder reports). IRS,business,deduction,1984 Tax Reform Act,TRA,income tax,insert J. Plutchok "New IRS Rules For Business Computers" Bus.Comp85/01 Jan v.3 n.1 21Overview of recent tax reform act---makes partial business use ofcomputers more difficult to claim. [Inserts "Taxes - Let Your PCDo The Figuring" and "How To Protect Your Computer Deductions"]. IRS,income tax,insert "Taxes - Let Your PC Do The Figuring" Bus.Comp85/01 Jan v.3 n.1 22Insert in "New IRS Rules For Business Computers" by J. Plutchok, this is a short list of packages for preparing 1984 federal income taxes. IRS,business,deduction,1984 Tax Reform Act,TRA,income tax,insert J. Plutchok "How To Protect Your Computer Deductions" Bus.Comp85/01 Jan v.3 n.1 22Insert in "New IRS Rules For Business Computers" by the author, this is a short list of hints that can help you to obtain deduc- tions for business use of your home computer. . artificial intelligence,AI,supercomputer,world,leadership,future NEWS & ANALYSIS - "AI: Key to world leadership?" Bus.Comp85/01 Jan v.3 n.1 16Discussion of artificial intelligence (AI) and supercomputers in terms of world leadership control in the future. GE,General Electric,communication,LAN,office,building NEWS & ANALYSIS - "Built-in LAN from General Electric" Bus.Comp85/01 Jan v.3 n.1 16Possibility of 6 new office buildings "of the future" to be con- structed with a total communications system already built-in. interview,D. Smiley,Transohio Savings Bank M. Major "Bankers And PCs - A Natural Pair" Bus.Comp85/01 Jan v.3 n.1 26A look at why PCs have become a part of a banker's daily routine.Interview with D. G. Smiley, VP of Transohio Savings Bank in Cleveland. interview,Citizens National,Havana,bank,finance,farm,rural D. Landis "Rural Banks Offer Farmers A PC Consultant" Bus.Comp85/01 Jan v.3 n.1 32Interviews with two rural Illinois banks, Citizens National Bank of Macomb and the Havana National Bank, who are using IBM PCs andfarm financial management software to help farmers. interview,Shawmut Bank,Boston,business D. Stewart "Boston Bank Puts Business Customers On Line" Bus.Comp85/01 Jan v.3 n.1 34Interview with staff of Shawmut Bank of Boston, discussing the four computerized services it offers to its large and small business customers. review,Displaywrite 1,word processor,IBM E. Williams "Displaywrite 1 and 2: Elegant Simplicity" Bus.Comp85/01 Jan v.3 n.1 36Review of Displaywrite 1 and Displaywrite 2 (by IBM). review,Desk Organizer,Warner,notepad,calendar C. Spezzano "The Joy of the Desk Organizer" Bus.Comp85/01 Jan v.3 n.1 41Review of Desk Organizer (by Warner Software). review,Project,Microsoft,manage,schedule,plan J. Schlosser "How To Automate Project Scheduling" Bus.Comp85/01 Jan v.3 n.1 43Review of Project (by Microsoft), a project management program. tutorial,WordStar,Micropro,upgrade,fix,enhance J. Fallows "A Fix For WordStar" Bus.Comp85/01 Jan v.3 n.1 45Tutorial on upgrading (fixing) WordStar (by Micropro). review,Sr. Partner,Panasonic,portable,compatible P. Grupp "Panasonic Tunes In With the Sr. Partner PC" Bus.Comp85/01 Jan v.3 n.1 50Review of Sr. Partner (by Panasonic), a portable compatible. book,review,bank,money S. A. Hansel "A Bankrupt View of Banking" Bus.Comp85/01 Jan v.3 n.1 51Review of the book: M. Mayer, THE MONEY BAZAARS (E. P. Dutton). MCI Mail,Western Union,EasyLink,electronic mail,message C. Spezzano "Zap Your Messages With Electronic Mail" Bus.Comp85/01 Jan v.3 n.1 53Overview of electronic mail with particular mention of MCI Mail and Western Union EasyLink. sort,dBASE II,Lotus 1-2-3,pfs:File,DBM J. Martin "Sorting With the Heavyweights" Bus.Comp85/01 Jan v.3 n.1 55Overview of file sorting techniques with particular mention of dBASE II, Lotus 1-2-3, and pfs:File. spreadsheet,formula,decision support,Venture,Finar,Plan 80,OPS-1 M. Campbell "Frustrated By Formulas? Try Decision Support" Bus.Comp85/01 Jan v.3 n.1 60Discussion of spreadsheet formulas and the use of decision sup- port packages. Particular mention of Venture, Finar, Plan 80, and OPS-1. spreadsheet,tutorial,customer,statement,receivable,time,day,year P. Alexander "How To Track Aging Accounts" Bus.Comp85/01 Jan v.3 n.1 63Spreadsheet tutorial showing how to create the last part of your accounting system: the customer statements and the old accounts receivable. Also, how to track the days in the year. review,Bank President,Lewis Lee,simulation,game T. K. Bowman "A Banker Plays Bank President" Bus.Comp85/01 Jan v.3 n.1 71Review of Bank President (by Lewis Lee Corp.), a bank simulation (game) program. commentary,LAN,network R. B. Forest "Do You Really Need A Network" Bus.Comp85/01 Jan v.3 n.1 76Commentary on local area networks (LANs) and needs. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\